Sunday 5 April 2015

Streaky Bay (By Simon)

It was great to take a break from driving and stay in the same place for 3 days allowing us to relax and explore the area... and wow! What an amazing place!

Wednesday morning we strolled along the beach and into town, walked the jetty and explored the town of Streaky Bay. Much to Nath's delight the tourist information centre had a life size model of the largest Great White Shark ever caught with rod and reel (5+ metres).

Later that day we drove around the coast loop visiting Murphy's Haystacks, massive sand dunes and Granites. See some pic's below:

That evening we tried our luck fishing for squid on the jetty but no luck. We did, however, land a 45cm Snook (long thin fish with a mouth full of teeth).

Thursday, we headed to the back beach for some surf fishing and later back to the jetty to fish which ended up with Nath, Sarah and Dad jumping off the jetty into the shark proof swimming area.

The day finished with a dinner of Squid and Whiting which our neighbours in the caravan park gave us... delicious!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously how do you know it's shark proof waters?!?!?!
