Sunday 5 April 2015

Across the Nullarbor (By Simon)

After packing up camp we headed to the Streaky Bay Anglican Church for their Easter Friday morning service. Great message of the "Royal Exchange" where Jesus took on our sin and paid our debt.

After the service the minister prayed for us and our trip and then we were off towards Ceduna and on across the Nullarbor. This is such an amazing country and we are in awe of its' size, diversity, and absolutely stunning scenery.

Finally set up camp at the Bundra Cliffs lookout. I was a bit worried about camping in such an exposed spot (ie: right on top of the 80m cliffs facing the Southern Ocean) but the weather has been perfect with only the slightest breeze. The camp site was stunning with an amazing sunset and sunrise over the Great Australian Bight.

We did however, have an overnight invasion!! We woke at about 4:30am to find quite a few mice had decided to join us in the camper. After 30min of Dad trying to catch them (which Liz and the kids thought was hilarious) it was clear I was fighting a losing battle so we secured the food and went back to bed.

The next day we continued our journey across the Nullarbor with a few more lookouts and then onto the WA Border Quarantine inspection (no problems here as we had eaten all our F&V) and the longest straight road in Australia.

Liz picked our free camp site for the night at Newman Rock... great choice! Amazing spot overlooking a natural water hole.

 Easter Sunday we awoke to another glorious sunrise and celebrated this special morning as a family around the fire.

After an Easter egg hunt, damper cooked on the fire and breakfast we packed up camp and headed for Esperance.

Travel Log:
- Streaky Bay to Bundra Cliffs: 601km
- Bundra Cliffs to Newman Rock: 560km
- Total: 2645km

1 comment:

  1. We are loving your blog! When you get to Esperance have a look up the beach to Albany and you will see your neighbours waving madly at you!! Darcy and I are loving the stunning coast and forests of WA, lots of swimming in that turquoise water. Heading to Perth on Wednesday for some serious book judging! Hugs to you all, Jane & Darcy xx
