Tuesday 14 April 2015

Interesting / funny things we've learnt along the way! (By all of us!)

Interesting points along the way!

- when traveling on the Nullarbor all oncoming vehicles give you a wave!

- we think Wedge Tailed Eagles are bigger than Bald Eagles!

- we have met a lot of "Grey Nomads" all happy to tell a story or two!

- the stars in the night sky are truly amazing out here!

- Nath really does not like flies!

- it's amazing how many toilet stops we've made in weird & wonderful places.

- we have lost count of the number of grain silo's we have passed!

- Emu's shake their tail feather when they run! (kids think it's hilarious!)

- when had enough of fishing, some of us don't mind jumping off the Streaky Bay jetty in our undies!

- Mum has caught the biggest fish so far!

- Sarah could live on Peanut butter & honey sandwiches!

- there are no Magpies out here, just crows!

- fly nets were a good investment!

- our favourite dinner so far, our Rueben Sandwiches!

- Emma's walking boots constantly "need new batteries Dad" to make it though our hikes!

- house work takes 5 mins! Yeah!! Clothes washing not so fun in a bucket!

- Denham has the most expensive water in Australia (caravan park paid $41,000 for 4 mths)!

- The Murchison River  is the longest river in WA, with a catchment area larger than Tassi!

To be continued...


  1. Nice job on the fish Liz--simon, stop jumping off cliffs in your underwear.
