Tuesday 21 April 2015

Coral Bay (By Simon & Liz)

Waking up the next day our hearts sank as we were yet again greeted by grey skies but this didn't last long. By mid morning the clouds had gone making way for brilliant blue sky.

Coral Bay is an amazing place... driving through kilometers of nothing you finally come over a slight rise and see a beautiful bay. The town consists of 2 caravan parks, a couple of small shops, a pub and a small resort complex.

The bay is fantastic with coral reefs only metres off the white sandy beach.

Basically we spent our whole time at Coral Bay snorkeling as follows:
1: Before breakfast.
2: After breakfast.
3: Before lunch.
4: After lunch.
5: Before dinner during sunset.

 Apart from that we drove through the sand dunes to find other secluded places to snorkel which was a great adventure.

At one spot we were joined by a Dolphin chasing fish right along the beach who was being followed by a shark looking to capitalize on the Dolphin's success.

The water is warm, the coral is amazing and the fish too numerous to mention (it really is just like swimming in an aquarium). Our favourites are the schools of little "Neon" fish, a huge Moray Eel, multi-coloured Parrot Fish, giant Clam, a bright blue star fish and Spangled Emperors below!

And to top it off, each day ends with the most spectacular sunset!

Could definitely stay longer but more adventures to come further up the coast!


  1. Aaahhh....I remember snorkelling all day with the kids. God made some great parts of this world! Remember WA stands for wait a-while.......best place to do that! Enjoy Turquoise Bay.......I am SOOOO jealous.......still.......

  2. You must take us here when we come visit :)

  3. That sunset is mind blowing!!!
