Tuesday 21 April 2015

Denham to Carnarvon and Coral Bay (By Simon & Liz)

We had enjoyed our time in Shark Bay but it was time to move onto the highly anticipated Coral Bay (even the name sounds great!).

We packed up early and got on the road. The trip to Carnarvon was short and we arrived for lunch at a great play ground right on the harbor.

As Carnarvon is the last real major town we would see for quite some time we did a big shop to stock up our supplies. Once we had loaded the fridges and camper we contemplated making the 3 hour trip to Coral Bay but as it was getting late in the day we stopped at a Caravan Park in Carnarvon for the night. As soon a we arrived we all jumped in the pool and enjoyed a shower in "soft water".

Nothing much else to say about Carnarvon... good stop to stock up!

The next morning we were off again under clear skies, on our way to Coral Bay. As we drove north the cloud cover increased and started to rain just as we pulled into Coral Bay. We were all a bit disappointed as the weather forecast indicated more the same for the next 4 days. It would be such a shame if our 4 days here were cloudy and rainy!

After setting up we went for a walk on the beach and stumbled upon the daily fish feeding which was a blast... the fish (Spangled Emperors) about 400 to 500mm long swim right between your legs!

Travel Log:
Denham to Carnarvon: 329 km
Carnarvon to Coral Bay: 239 km
Total Trip: 6062 km

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