Tuesday 16 June 2015

Halls Creek (By Simon)

We left our free camp on the highway near the Bungle Bungles and headed another 100km south to Halls Creek.

Part way there we stopped to watch stockmen sort a herd of cattle. The cattle were not very happy to be penned in after having free roam of a million acres for their entire life but it was good to see this in action.

Most will be loaded aboard road trains and taken to Darwin for live export (Liz not happy about this!)

Liz's Uncle Merv & Aunty Elizabeth had worked with the indigenous people around the Kimberley for years and when Liz was 16 she had travelled with Merv and saw their amazing work first hand. So given we were back in Halls Creek we hoped to make contact with some of their colleagues.

First we called past the Halls Creek Peoples Church looking for pastor Jonathon Bates. Unfortunately we were told that he had not returned from a trip to Fitzroy Crossing but as we were leaving Jonathan appeared from around the corner.

Jonathan was delighted to meet us and talk about his good mate Merv. He showed us the foundations of the new church building and shared his dreams for the up coming convention to be held in the new building in July.

That afternoon we visited the Bureau of Meteorology office in Halls Creek. David, the resident meteorologist was more than happy to show us around the facility, explain the weather conditions and answer any questions. The highlight was the release and tracking of the daily weather balloon.

This hydrogen filled latex balloon is filled to a diameter of 75cm and released by an automatic launcher. By the time it reaches 60,000 ft it's diameter is a whopping 7m!

After a quick stop at the local bakery we headed north back to Kununurra.

Travel Log:
Bungles to Halls Creek: ~100 km
Total Trip: 11,437  km

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