Thursday 18 June 2015

Edith Falls (By Simon)

We were up and on the road early for the trip from Lake Argyle to Katherine and it wasn't long before we got to the state border. It was with some sadness that we left Western Australia and entered the Northern Territory, partly because we have had such a wonderful time in WA but also because it means that we are getting toward the end of our trip (soon we will be turning south... that will be a real shock).

We soon reached Katherine and stopped to fuel up and stock up supplies and then headed on out of town to Edith Falls (45km north of Katherine). We arrived at about 4:30pm, set up the camper in the nice quiet camp ground and then took off on the hike to the upper falls.

The hike was relatively short and we arrived at the falls right on sunset. Not only did it cast a glorious orange glow over the falls but it also meant we had the whole place to ourselves. The falls were stunning and we had a beautiful swim in, around and under the falls.

I also did a little exploring around the waterfall, here's the view from the top looking down!

With the light fading we hiked back to the camp ground and checked out the lower pool (equally nice but according to Liz "felt very crocodilely".

Travel Log:
Lake Argyle to Edith Falls: 570 km
Total Trip: 12,528  km

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